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My work


Fueled by the desire to solidify MyUT as the student hub it deserves to be, we aimed to leverage our findings and propose actionable recommendations.

UX Research Usability Studies SUS Analysis
Heuristic Evaluation Data Analysis

The Customs Bakery

Prompt: Design a mobile ordering app for a bakery in your hometown.

UI design UX Research Wireframing
Storyborading Lo/Hi - Fi prototyping

Driver Application UI Redesign

Re-Designing Driver application of a London, UK based cab service Providing Comapny.

Internship UI Design Mobile Design
App Design UX Research

Indoor Navigation System

Solving a Problem that We were facing when we first came to the campus

Mobile Design Problem solving Navigation
P5.js Frontend


Prompt: Design a Responsive Website for a pet shelter.

UI design Responsive Design Mobile Design
Web Design Lo/Hi - Fi prototyping
Alter Ego
Let's concretize your design ideas...

Always up for collaborations. Linkedin

Portfolio Designed and Coded by me with ❤

© 2023 | All rights Reserved to Deep Adalja