Under NDA

This internship project is under Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) and therefore I'll not be able to showcase the Hi-Fidelity Protoype and design slides.

Although I've showcased all the findings and learnings from the project. Please feel free to contact me through my email.

About the Company

The Company where I did my internship is Devlegends and the company for which I redesigned the application is ABBEYCARS, which is a London, UK based cab service providing company.

User Research - Pain Points

The cab company has two main services – private cab & shuttle cab. In the existing design of the shuttle service has a feature that driver can contact the server room and can request to change the best possible route according to his/her preferences. This was a pain point for both, people at server room as well as the drivers as it took some time.

Dark mode – The existing design does not have a dark mode feature so it was sometimes difficult for the drivers to adjust to the light mode at different instances.

Total income invoice statement – In the existing design the driver has to send an email to the server team to get an invoice of the job. This is a quiet hectic process and it is also time consuming.

Navigation options – In the existing design, when the driver clicks on the navigation button, the app will automatically redirect to the default navigation application(eg. Google maps, Waze, etc.) in the mobile phone or other devices. The core idea here was that the drivers should be given an option to choose the navigation application as per their preferences / convinience for the job.

Design – The existing app was designed and developed in 2012, so the user interface design is almost outdated. Althought the backend of the app works completely fine but the stakeholders need to redesign the app as per the latest trends and with more user friendly functions.

What's New

In the redesign we planned a type of an edit button which the driver have access to, during the job. Now the driver doesn’t need to call the server room every time he/she needs to change the route of the job. This feature will alow the driver to save their time and the things will smoothly run as there will be no communication gap.

New Dark Mode feature has been created in the application to enable drivers for better visualtion during night. While designing the dark mode feature it was very important for us to consider the accessibility of the design.

New feature has been created for which I have designed a screen from where drivers can easily and directly download invoices from last six months from the application.

In new design, a feature has been created for drivers to select navigation option i.e. Google maps / Waze / etc.

I completely redesigned the user interface of application using predefined Colour themes and other company guidelines.

Meet the Users

User one
User Two

Preparing the Journey

Journey map

User Journey Map

User Journey Map

Empathy Map

Empathy Map

Information Architecture

Information Architecture

Paper Wireframes

Paper wireframes gave us a basic structure for our Customs bakery app.

Digital wireflow [Lo-Fi Prototype]

Lo-Fi Prototype


The internship taught me many things as a whole. Working in a team setting was fun.

All the critiques and feedbacks on my design from the owner and the project manager have made me a better designer.

Talking about learnings, I grasped some more knowledge on interaction Desgin, micro-interaction design.I even read design sustems during the process.

Let's Connect

Always up for collaborations. Linkedin

Portfolio Designed and Coded by me with ❤

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